My cousin's Daughter also has a birthday this month, and they did a joint birthday party. So after Thomas was done it was on to a request of a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting with roses and fairies. So for a while Amie and I tried to make sculpted fairies out of fondant and gumpaste, I don't think either of us will win a contest for sculpted anything anytime soon : ). So just a few days before the cake needed to be made my friend Karin suggested a flat fairy. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind before.
So Gabby got a cake with fairies running thru the grass and the top covered with buttercream roses. The whole thing was dusting with some fairy dust.
While the mom in me loved the Thomas cake and how excited Alex was about it (the mom also appreciated all the hard work that had to have gone into that masterpiece!), the girl in me fell immediately in love with the fairy cake! I loved the fairies running around in the grass with the roses over their heads! And I loved the dusting of glitter, but didn't get the "fairy dust" until I read about it...LOVE. You had no way of knowing this, but the tooth fairy always manages to leave a dusting of fairy dust when she visits Gabby too. We love fairy dust. :)